5 Ways to Make Your Reception Desk Stand Out

5 Ways to Make Your Reception Desk Stand Out

If you’re looking for ways to make your reception desk stand out, you’re in luck. There are plenty of things you can do to make your reception area more inviting and engaging for your guests. Here are five ideas to get you started.

1) Add some plants or flowers. Plants and flowers always add a touch of natural beauty to any space. Plus, they help to oxygenate the air and improve your overall mood.

2) Use welcoming colors. Warm colors like yellow, orange, and red create a cheerful atmosphere and make guests feel welcome. Try painting your reception desk or using accessories in these colors to brighten up the space.

3) Hang art or decorative items. A piece of eye-catching art or a decorative clock are easy ways to personalize the space. You can even opt for something with an inspirational message so you can share your values with guests.

4) Make it Instagram-worthy. To stand out, you need to think about how people will interact with your reception desk in 2018. If there’s nothing that they can easily take a picture of, they probably won’t post anything on social media. Try adding some fun signage or props that visitors are sure to love!

5) Have refreshments available. Even if you’re not serving food at your event, having beverages on hand is always appreciated by guests, especially if they are harsh critics (like journalists). Plus, offering snacks or appetizers makes people feel like you care about their comfort while they visit.

6) Make sure it’s functional. Your reception desk should be clean, professional, and inviting—not cluttered or chaotic. Ask someone to critique the station if you are unsure of how it may appear to other people. You want your guests to feel relaxed when they arrive at your station, not overwhelmed by a cluttered mess that makes them uncomfortable.

7) Use creative signage. Creative signage is often one of the easiest ways to make a strong first impression on visitors. If possible, try using vinyl lettering or decals with bright colors to display your logo or special messages across your desk. You can also make custom signs using chalkboard paint for an artsy look that’s perfect for your reception desk.

8) Offer something for everyone. You want to make sure that the items on display at your station are attractive to everyone who visits, not just people who would find the most useful. This is especially true of children’s areas, where you may want to feature plush toys or coloring books and crayons. For adult waiting areas, consider featuring magazines or newspapers that visitors will enjoy reading while they await their appointments.

9) Step up the lighting. It can be easy for lobbies and living spaces with low lighting to appear uninviting or even dangerous. Accent lights can help create focal points that draw attention away from dim parts of your space and guide guests into inviting seating areas where they can relax until called upon.

10) Do something unexpected. A living room décor that’s different from your neighbors just might be what stands out to visitors and gets them excited to enter or rent your unit. Even if you’re willing to incur the extra cost, make sure any changes are aesthetically pleasing, functional, safe for all occupants of the space, and within code regulations.

11) Incorporate personalized decorations. Keep customization simple by hanging up pictures of family members or pets in an area where guests may not expect to find them. This attention grabber is sure to leave visitors with a positive impression before they’ve even entered your condo.

12) Make waiting areas inviting. People want their homes to feel comfortable when guests come over which means that businesses should do the same. Create comfortable seating options by strategically placing couches or chairs that suit your needs within your reception area.

13) Use art to welcome people. Not everyone considers themselves an artist, but simply hanging up pieces of art you find appealing can make a big difference in making guests feel welcome. This is particularly useful if you have a front desk attendant who will be working the desk alone.

14) Put your contact information where everyone can see it. The last thing you want is for your guests to leave without knowing how they can contact you after their stay or why they were unable to let themselves into their unit. You probably already have business cards on hand which makes this task quick and easy! Just place them with the front desk materials so they’re accessible to guests.

15) Include a sense of place. This can be achieved through area-specific art, by featuring local events or attractions coming up soon, or even including your favorite menu items at the nearest restaurants. It’s also helpful for new guests to see what amenities are included in their unit or building.

16) Equip desk staff with travel mugs. Having coffee on hand is a great way for them to offer beverages to guests which in turn, helps build rapport and familiarity. Plus, it’s less expensive than buying disposable cups since you can wash your staff’s mugs instead!